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YH-6000 MED
Warper&Creel TSW&TSC
Supply beam stand
TBS beamer
YH-6000C MED
Warper&Creel TSC&TSW
YH-6000 Home 홈 > 제품소개 > YH-6000
Beam winding keeps the speed stable according to the change of diameter of weaving beam by AC power motor, and also control the tension automatically by AC power motor to keep the tension stable even in normal driving and inching work. Also take-up tension is controlled automatically by feedback control system with AC motor that operates Take-up roller. This system can choose taper tension according to the physical property of yarn. Take-up tension can be set up from 30kg to 400kg, and as an option, at most 1800kg's take-up is possible.
The working condition can be set up on the wide color touch screen, and once established data is saved in memory device and it can save and rerun at most 200 data.

Beam Stand
The tension of beam stand is controlled separatedly, and according to the change of diameter, powder break always keeps stable tension even in the case of power failure, driving of emergency stop lamp, and accelerating and decelerating.
The tension of beam stand can be set up and saved on the wide color touch screen of beaming machine.
Servo motor powder B.R.K
By the feed back system

1. Automatically controls tension
2. It maintains stable and constant tension and is accelerated or decelerated without shifting gears.
3. It is easily controlled and all data and directions are displayed on the digital screen.
Beam Stand AC
The tention control device with an AC servo motor very accurately controls tension. It helps produce high-quality yarn beam by perventing the run-out of yarn with the automatic tension control.

Double Powder System(Opt…)
For high tension working for take up tension, installation of two powders on the beam stand of option gives tension of 5kg at the minimum up to 80kg.
경북 성주군 선남면 신부길 81-38
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